Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I am the cheese

This book is really intersting. Told in a couple different ways the reader slowly peices together the memory of Adam. There is a part in this book where the story is moving forward and you are on a journey with Adam as he tries to bike from Monument Massachusets to Rutterburg Vermont. He encounters people he can trust and those who he cannot. Afraid and suspicious of everyone Adam almost makes it to his destination when he is unexpectedly delayed.

Also, there is part of the story that is told as if you are overhearing someone talk to a psychiatrist, questions and answers then flashbacks. All revealing A.'s past. You discover and fill in the blanks along as A. does. A. seems to be Adam and as the story goes along you find yourself becoming suspisious of the same things as Adam.

This is a book that I would recommend to a student who wanted to be challenged a litle more and who wanted to test his/her mind. I would not recomend this to someone who is prone to falling asleep during books, because they would get completely lost and confused as to what is happening. A good read and took me about 2-3 hours.

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