I love this book.
This is the story of a young boy who has grown up in a society of sameness. Everything is predictable and nothing happens by chance. A controlled atmosphere where there is no fear, and everyone is provided for. At the ceromony which the communittee celebrates the birthdays of children of ages 1-12, Jonas is selected to become the new reciever. This means that he will meet with and be trained by the old Receiver until his training is done.
As the story progresses, Jonas finds out that his communittee has flaws. His job is to hold all the memories from the past, and advise the communittee council on subjects only when they come to him. Jonas holds the memories of snow, joy, happiness, color, anger, fear, sorrow, and pain. And through this developes a conscience of what is right and what is not.
This story is about a young boy who has to make adult decisions and faces the choice of whether or not to leave everything he's always known, or to stay and by doing so encourage something he believes to be wrong.
This is a fantastic book and I think that it is one that everyone should read so that they can realize how wonderful it is to have freedom to choose for ourselves, though dangerous, it is liberating.